Niah Hix

Hi there! My name is Niah, and I live in DFW. I am passionate about sharing my story ever since battling life-altering illnesses since my sophomore year of high school. I was a high-level athlete seeking the collegiate level, but God had other plans for me. Despite all the losses in my life, I couldn't be more grateful that God captivated my heart and shifted my perspective to a bigger purpose. Ever since getting sick, losing my dreams, and a normal life, God has met me in my suffering and revealed His loving character. Now, I am coaching, but am still an athlete at heart. I have the privilege of sharing my testimony for the glory of the Lord to radiate, and it brings me more joy than sports ever could. I wouldn't trade anything that God has blessed me with, from the gift of breath in my lungs, a loving family, and opportunities to advance the kingdom of heaven. God is good, from the bottom of my heart, all I can do is thank the Lord for what He has done, is doing, and will continue to do.

Through God is Writing Your Story, Niah invites you into her battle against a life-altering illness and discovering God’s goodness when life is in chaos. In the most heart-wrenching times of her life, she discovered God on a deeper level. These pages are filled with encouragement and a reminder that when walking through suffering, look to the Creator of the Universe to find your joy, peace, and hope. It encourages you that in the midst of the countless struggles and trials you face, God is not wasting a moment. He is orchestrating your suffering into a beautiful story for your good and His glory. Niah's story shows even when the plans that you envisioned for your life may not work out, remember that God has something better in store for you.
There is no one out there with a testimony quite like Niah's, and just reading this book, you can't help but feel radiant joy jumping off the page! That's just Niah! She is joyful, she is strong, and she has such a gift for seeing beauty in brokenness. This book will change lives, I know it changed mine, so I invite you to dive in, sit back, and let the Lord speak through Niah's powerful story!
This author is wise beyond her years. She writes with such confidence in Christ that it built my faith as I read it. She does not sugar coat the difficult days of her journey. She has chosen a grateful and hope-filled view of her life despite very challenging circumstances. This is an encouraging read, and definitely a faith builder for me!
This book is a small but mighty reminder that God is working all things for your good and His glory! Niah’s honest account of her pain and suffering is relatable, especially to young people who might feel as if their dreams have died. Niah uses her story to remind the reader that there is purpose and peace available even in the hardest times of your life. This is a great book to share with anyone who is struggling to find purpose after disappointment. Even when things don’t work out, don’t give up. God has something better in store for you

Let's Connect
My ministry isn't about magnifying my story. My testimony is about magnifying the King of Glory and having a deep passion for others to experience the presence of God to the fullest in any season of life. God is the inspiration. He is the One who saves. I simply am a vessel for the Lord to use me and my testimony. I am available for speaking and always looking for exciting opportunities. Please feel free to contact me and follow me through the information below.